Sean Fox
Founder of Satsang Sports Massage

Sean Fox Myofascial Release

“The Truth Is, You Can Be Healed!”

Satsang Sports Massage owner and lead therapist, Sean Fox, has helped hundreds of Denver residents live pain-free lives without prescription medication or irreversible surgery.

Myofascial Release Expert And Founder Of Satsang Sports Massage

As the saying goes, it takes 10,000 hours of intense practice to master a complex skill. Well, with over 15 years of experience, I guess I can say I have mastered Myofascial Release, although I am continuously learning. I specialize in treating people suffering from chronic pain, postural imbalance, injuries, and everyday wear and tear. Most of the time we don’t feel pain where the actual problem is. This is why you can go get a massage and you feel good for a day or two, but then you’re right back where you started. I don’t treat the symptoms, I treat the root cause. I will teach you what is actually causing your issues, and how you can help yourself when you are not on my table. Stop wasting your money targeting the symptom, let me target the cause.

Whether you are looking for relaxation, sports injury recovery, injury prevention, or general maintenance you'll leave my table feeling like a new person.

“Myofascial Release Will Fix You”

Myofascial Release is an alternative treatment approach that allows you to get rid of muscle tension and trigger points that cause chronic pain. If you suffer from neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, hip pain, foot pain, ankle pain, wrist pain, elbow pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, or even migraines, then this method could be right for you. Myofascial Release works by releasing tight bands of fascia around muscles and tendons, allowing the muscles to relax and lengthen. When we tense our muscles, the fascia becomes shortened and tight, causing discomfort and pain.

By releasing the fascia, the muscles become free to move as they used to. The result? Pain relief. No pills, no injections, no surgery. In Just 90 minutes, you will see and feel immediate improvement. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, male or female, athletic or sedentary, overweight or underweight, Myofascial Release can benefit everyone. Stop believing the hype! Pain is not something that just comes with getting older. It can be fixed.